
I like things simple.

I want my work to speak for itself. Unnecessary complexity usually does nothing good but get in the way. It's the same with long statements that carry no meaning. Keep it short and keep it simple.

I am a programmer.

Going by the principle that "language is just a tool" I've touched on many technologies over the years and I've sticked with Python for the longest time. Besides that, nowadays Rust is my first choice.

You can check out my GitLab and projects that I keep there. I have a GitHub profile too.

I love learning.

I study Cybersecurity at the Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology. As you may expect, technology and electronics are in the center of my interests.

You may find value in the posts on my blog, where I publish my notes sometimes.

Other than that...

I enjoy music, especially genres such as metal or jazz. I play bass (and electric) guitar for fun. Then there's also anime, games, literature, workout... No time to be bored!