GPG keys 2018-03-21 So you've encountered "unknown public key" error message. What to do? First search for the unknown key. Additionally you can explicitly specify the keyserver, for example $ gpg --keyserver --search XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX If you see a key that is reliable just type in its number and it'll be imported. Error should be gone. GPG keys are usually used to sign and/or encrypt e-mails. To generate you own keys type in the following commmand in your terminal and simply go through the generation process. $ gpg --full-generate-key Now you'd like to submit your key on a keyserver or share it yourself. You'll need to paste generated files content onto your keyservers website. $ gpg --export --armor [your e-mail address] > [filename] Someone can then import it from the keyserver, like we did above, or from the file: $ gpg --import --armor < [filename] You can delete keys with $ gpg --delete-keys [searchterm] and your private keys with $ gpg --delete-secret-keys [searchterm] Where the [searchterm] is either e-mail address, key ID, or really anything that identifies your key. You can list keys with: $ gpg --list-keys Great, but if you now receive an e-mail signed with a valid signature (which you've imported) you'll get a warning "cannot verify sender". To fix this, change the level of trust and sign the foreign key. $ gpg --edit-key [searchterm] gpg> trust //Here I suggest 3 or 4. Use 5 only for your own keys. gpg> sign gpg> save It'll work now. You can move your private keys across different computers. Don't lose your private keys or else you won't be able to decrypt your e-mails. If needed (lost, stolen, stale), keys can be revoked.