fcitx-mozc 2019-11-30 There is a difference between an input source (keyboard layout) and an input method. When you browse your DE settings, they only really let you change the input source. If you'd want to type in Japanese for example, even if you change your input source to JP it only changes the keyboard layout. You needn't mess with the settings in that regard. All you have to do is change your input method. Perhaps you already know: to type in Japanese, you need a "Japanese IME". Fcitx is an input method framework and Mozc is a Japanese Input Method Editor. Plug Mozc into Fcitx and you'll be good to go. The ArchWiki article on fcitx is way too long: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fcitx And the article on Mozc refers to the previous one: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mozc The setup is not even that complicated, it just looks like a lot of work. Here's what you really have to do: $ pacman -S fcitx-im fcitx-mozc fcitx-configtool $ cp /etc/xdg/autostart/fcitx-autostart.desktop ~/.config/autostart/ $ gtk-query-immodules-3.0 --update-cache $ gtk-query-immodules-2.0 --update-cache $ echo "GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx\nQT_IM_MODULE=fcitx\nXMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx" >> ~/.pam_environment Make sure you have installed necessary fonts for your language: $ pacman -S otf-ipafont ttf-hanazono Now, open up fcitx-configtool and under "Input Method" tab press the little "+" icon in the bottom left corner. Uncheck the "Only Show Current Language" checkbox and search for "Mozc". Choose it and confirm with the "OK" button. I don't usually like GUI tools, but that one is quite handy & quick. You may explore other options too. Everything should work properly once you relogin. The default shortcut for changing between input methods in fcitx is Ctrl+Space. If you're normally typing in English, but want to write something in Japanese, you would just press Ctrl+Space, write whatever you want with mozc in Japanese, and then press Ctrl+Space again to get back to your default keyboard setup. 簡単ですね